Tuesday 23 July 2013

The conversation about nothing

He:   He often fights with me, my son... he is not seeing the point.

Me:   What point?

He:   The non existence of God... Such a scientific boy, but still prays before taking food. I couldn't stand it... I stopped eating with him.

Me:    Do you ever wonder why they ever named Boson 'The God Particle'.

He:   May be to signify your belief on God should be as minuscule as the particle... Believing in non existent is the utmost human idiocy I could ever think of.

Me:   What are we conversing about now...It feels strange to think how we could converse about something that is non existent, because the very conversation makes it exist?

He:   Yeah... human mind's main weakness is to brag on and on about things that don’t even exist... most of the times. The topic 'God' is the epitome of nothingness.

Me:   I could sense hatred oozing out of you... How could you hate a thing that doesn't even exist...? Is it not equally stupid to believing in nothing?

He:   My hate is not towards that stupid 'nothing'... but towards the ignorance of these stupids who believe in that 'nothing'

Me:   So the 'God' is their ignorance. Then the 'God' will exist till the mankind's ignorance exists...

He:   Yeah... you ‘Mr.Twisty’, you could put it that way too...

Me:   I think you are ignorant about the piece of bread crumb that is sticking on your upper lip... kindly wipe it off.

He:   Oh... thanks.

Me:   Then... he will exist for ever... for me and for you too... then what we are fighting about? Then what we are conversing about?

He:   Nothing.

Me:   I got it... nothing.

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